74th Annual Conference
The Association for Business Communication
November 4-7, 2009
Portsmouth, VA
Editor: Lisa Gueldenzoph Snyder, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Business Education School of Business and Economics North Carolina A&T State University
Assessing Communication Skill in a Business Context: Negotiating the Contradictions of Education, Training, and Management
Dale Cyphert and Susan Wurtz, University of Northern Iowa
The Best of Times and the Worst of Times: Team Teaching Business Communication in Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate Courses
Mary Y. Bowers, Marcia A. Metcalf, and Christopher M. Scherpereel, Northern Arizona University
Communication Capital
Heloiza Matos, Cásper Libero, Brazil; Guilherme Fráguas Nobre, COMSCITECH, Brazil
Communication Skills Needed for Successful Interactions with America’s Largest Trading Partners
Jeanette S. Martin, University of Mississippi
Lillian H. Chaney, The University of Memphis
A Comparison of Student Computer Literacy And Business Faculty Expectations
Tab W. Cooper and Geraldine E. Hynes, Sam Houston State University
Corporate Communications in an Emerging Country
Ana Lucia Magalhaes, FATEC – Faculdade de Tecnologia de Guaratingueta
Bruno Andreoni, Servtec Engenharia
Easing the Transition from Academic to Workplace Writing: A Pilot Study
Jim Suchan, Brandon Booher, and Derek Waisanen, The Naval Postgraduate School
Email Capitalization and CEO Ethos: Examining Online Responses to Yahoo’s Layoff Email
Cynthia L. King, Naval Postgraduate School
The Future of Texting in Business Communication
Thomas J. Kiddie, West Virginia State University
How English Competence Impacts Chinese Expatriate Adjustment in International Business
Xiaofei Xu, City University of Hong Kong
Job Search Advice for Today’s Economy
Harold A. Hurry, Sam Houston State University
Leveraging the Elevator Speech into an On-line Class Writing Assignment with Reflection and Feedback
Gretchen N. Vik, San Diego State University
Patterns of Ethical Reasoning in the Protection of the Public Interest – A Case Study in Legal Ethics
J. Archibald, McGill University
Ten Steps to Improving Student Achievement and Institutional Success in the Business Communication Course: The Course Valuation Model (CVM)
Lori A. Brown, California State University, Long Beach
USA CEO Pay Is Up While Shareholders Lose Their Shirts: Legal and Ethical Communication Issues
Carson H. Varner and Katrin C. Varner, Illinois State University
Using Portfolio Assessment to Discover Student Learning
Barbara J. D’Angelo, Arizona State University
Using Wikis and Podcasts to Help Students Make the Transition from Consumers to Producers of Workplace Communication
Kathleen Vance, British Columbia Institute of Technology
Writing Effective Newsletters
Evaline Echols, Lee University
The content appearing in these Proceedings is the work of individual scholars and does not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or practices of the Association for Business Communication and is distributed for conference discussion purposes only.
Proceedings Reviewers
- James Benjamin, University of Toledo
- Charlotte Brammer, Samford University
- Stephen Byars, University of Southern California
- Rod Carveth, Quinnipiac University
- Barbara D’Angelo, Arizona State University
- Cathy Dees, DeVry University
- Sam DeKay, The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation
- Frances Griffin, Oklahoma State University
- Kathy Hill, Sam Houston State University
- Martha Kennedy, San Diego State University
- Lorraine Krajewski, Louisiana State University
- Mark Lindquist, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Ephraim Okoro, Howard University
- Michelle Reiss, Spalding University
- Kevin Sager, The College of Brockport, State University of New York
- Teresa Taylor Sekine, Purdue University
- Jean Anna Sellers, Fort Hays State University
- Jason Snyder, Central Connecticut State University
- Lee Tesdell, Minnesota State University
- Robyn Walker, University of Southern California
- Mary Anne Weegar, National University
- Leigh Ann Whittle, Guilford Technical Community College
©2009, The Association for Business Communication