The Power of the Mighty Pin: Pinterest ExaminedAlicia Whitecavage, Liberty University
Angela Widgeon, Liberty University
Eli Overbey, Liberty University
The content appearing in these Proceedings is the work of individual scholars and does not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or practices of the Association for Business Communication and is distributed for conference discussion purposes only.
REVIEWERS:James Benjamin, University of Toledo
Charlotte Brammer, Samford University
Stephen Byars, University of Southern California
Rod Carveth, Morgan State University
Mark Cistulli, Central Connecticut State University
Barbara D’Angelo, Arizona State University
Sam DeKay, The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation
Frances Griffin, Oklahoma State University
Kathy Hill, Sam Houston State University
Martha Kennedy, San Diego State University
Lorraine Krajewski, Louisiana State University
Mark Lindquist, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Gary May, Clayton State University
Marcia Metcalf, W.A. Franke College of Business
Jeffrey Mok, National University of Singapore
Michelle Reiss, Spalding University
Teresa Taylor Sekine, Perdue University
Jean Anna Sellers, Fort Hays State University
Lee Tesdell, Minnesota State University
Robyn Walker, University of Southern California
Mary Anne Weegar, National University
Leigh Ann Whittle, Guilford Technical Community College
©2012, The Association for Business Communication