79th Annual International Convention
October 22–25, 2014
Philadelphia, PA
Of Pizzas, Politics, and Image
Nick Backus, Western Oregon University
Developing a Handout to Help Accounting Students Minimize Written Legal Jargon
David R. Brimm, Indiana University
Stop Correcting Papers: Show Students How to Be Their Own First Readers
Marylyn E. Calabrese, Independent Writing Consultant
What Not To Do In A Crisis: The Case of Donald Sterling
Rod Carveth, Morgan State University
Claire Ferraris, Western Oregon University
Eliciting Compassion Through Military Advertising and Its Impact on Parents’ Willingness to Talk about Enlistment and Provide Comfort to Their Children
Mark D. Cistulli, Jason L. Snyder, Central Connecticut State University
Instruction and Complexity: Enhanced Presentation Skills as Organizational Learning
Dale Cyphert, The University of Northern Iowa
An Analysis of Language and Intercultural Competence in Japanese Expatriate Adjustment to Foreign Postings
Bertha Du-Babcock, City University of Hong Kong
“If You Write It, They Will Come”: The Promises and Pitfalls of Electronic Newsletters for Non-Profit Organisations
F. Elizabeth Gray, Massey University, New Zealand
From Click To Act: How Nonprofit Organizations Can Use Social Media To Generate Funds And Increase Volunteerism
Patcharavadee Julotai, Baruch College
Humor, Laughter and Rhetoric in the Corporate Environment
Ana Lúcia Magalhaes, Pontificia Universidade Catolica de São Paulo – Brazil
Bruno Andreoni, MB Consulting
Disciplining Business Writing: Hard Decisions for “Soft Skills”
Dirk Remley, Kent State University
Strategic Business Communications for Graduate Accounting Students: A Fully Integrated Learning Experience
Sydel Sokuvitz, Robert F. Halsey, Kerry E. Rourke and Peter R. Wilson, Babson College
The Impact of Narrative on the Charismatic Leader Reputation
James S. Welch Jr, Eckerd College
The content appearing in these Proceedings is the work of individual scholars and does not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or practices of the Association for Business Communication and is distributed for conference discussion purposes only.
Assistant Editor:
Mariah Forbes
Proceedings Editorial Review Board:
Charlotte Brammer
Mark Cistulli
Barbara D’Angelo
Sam DeKay
Frances Griffin
Martha Kennedy
Gary May
Marcia Metcalf
Jeffrey Mok
Michele Reiss
Teresa Sekine
Lee Tesdell
Robyn Walker
Leigh Whittle
©2014, The Association for Business Communication