ABC 74th Annual Convention
4 November – 7 November 2009
Portsmouth, VA
Convention Program
Award Winners
List of Award Winners
Presidential Address
Dr. James Dubinsky
James M. Dubinsky is an associate professor of Rhetoric and Writing at Virginia Tech. From 1998 until 2007, he was the founding director of the Professional Writing Program in the Department of English. Under his leadership, the program grew to 11 courses with over 210 students. In 2008 he became the founding director of the Center for Student Engagement and Community Partnerships (CSECP). From 2008-2010, Jim served as chair of the board of directors for the YMCA at Virginia Tech and from 2008-2009 as president of the Association for Business Communication. He has received college-level awards for both teaching and outreach and the first university award for the scholarship of teaching and learning. Jim is the author/editor of Teaching Technical Communication: Critical Issues for the Classroom and has contributed articles to journals ranging from Technical Communication Quarterly to the Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning. His research focuses on the scholarship of teaching, combining historical, rhetorical, and qualitative methods to study the connections of experiential learning and reflective practice. Jim is also the faculty advisor for the Sustainable Food Corps and for WUVT-FM (, the campus radio station. He hosts a radio show—the New River Sampler every Friday morning between 7 and 9 a.m. featuring folk, folk-rock, bluegrass, and blues. He and his wife Robyn live in Blacksburg and have five children, ages 18-27.
ABC 2009 Presidential Address (pdf)
In-coming President’s Acceptance Speech
Dr. Deborah Valentine
Deborah Valentine is a member of the faculty in Management Communication at Goizueta Business School of Emory University. She teaches business communication, cross-cultural business communication, and business communication for internationals at Emory; she also manages Goizueta Business School’s Business Writing Center. Deborah Valentine is the author of two books on cross-cultural communication. In addition to teaching, she also consults with corporations such as Coca-Cola, IBM, and Bell South on issues relating to strategic management communication and leadership communication. Deborah has been a member of ABC since 1993 and has served as editor of the “Focus on Intercultural Communication” column of the Business Communication Quarterly and as chair of the Intercultural Communication Committee.
ABC 2009 Presidential Acceptance Address (pdf)
Plenary Speeches
Dr. Bertha Du-Babcock, Outstanding Researcher Address
Dr. Bertha Du-Babcock is Associate Professor at City University of Hong Kong. She is currently the Vice President for the Asia and the Pacific Region of the Association for Business Communication since November 2009. She received the Distinguished Member Award in 2010, the Kitty O Locker Outstanding Researcher in 2008, the Meada Gibbs Outstanding Teaching Award in 2004, the Outstanding Article Award in the Journal of Business Communication in 2007, and the Outstanding Article Award in the Business Communication Quarterly in 2001.
The major focus of her research encompasses three aspects. The first aspect has focused on the refining and expanding of the language-based communication zone models. The second aspect of the research focus has been on the first-and second-language communication behaviors of bilinguals in intra-and intercultural communication. The third aspect of the research focuses on simulations and telecommunication projects that can enhance teaching effectiveness in management and organizational communication courses.
Dr. Du-Babcock joined the Association in 1994 and has served as an editorial review board member for Journal of Business Communication and Business Communication Quarterly since 2001. She also served on the Board of Directors-At-Large. Du-Babcock also has served on the editorial review board for Management Communication Quarterly and Global Advanced Business Communication. She has been a guest reviewer for reputable international refereed journals, such as English for Specific Purposes Journal; Management Communication Quarterly; Euro Asia Journal of Management; Journal of Tourism Management; and IEEE.
Plenary Address text (pdf)
Plenary Address PowerPoint (pdf)
Dr. Naoki Kameda, Response to Outstanding Researcher Address
Naoki Kameda, Ph.D., is a Full Professor of International Business Communication at the Faculty of Commerce and Graduate School of Commerce, Doshisha University, Kyoto. Prof. Kameda was CEO of an international audio manufacturer in Tokyo before assuming present position in 1993. He is the author of Business Communication Toward Transnationalism: The Significance of Cross-Cultural Business English and Its Role, which won the ABC’s distinguished publication award, Managing Global Business Communication, and more than a dozen other books. Dr. Kameda is a past Executive Director of the Japan Business Communication Association and has been Director of the Association for Business Communication.
Plenary Address Response (pdf)
Dr. Kathy Rentz, Outstanding Teacher Address
Proceedings of the 74th Annual International Convention