ABC 76th Annual Convention
18 October – 22 October
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Program Co-Chairs: Faridah Awang and Kathy Hill
Convention Program
2011 Annual Convention Program (pdf)
Award Winners
List of Award Winners
Presidential Address
Dr. Geraldine E. Hynes
Geraldine E. Hynes is a Professor in the College of Business Administration, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas. She has a BA in English and Speech from the University of Illinois-Chicago, an MA in Speech Communication from the University of Illinois-Urbana, and a Ph.D. in Higher/Adult Education from St. Louis University. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in business writing, presentation skills, and management communication. She has considerable experience in distance education and teaches a course for the Professional MBA-Online program at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. She also offers communication consulting, coaching, and customized training for government, non-profit, and corporate clients. Gerry is the author of Managerial Communication: Strategies and Applications, 5th edition (McGraw-Hill, 2011), Surfing for Success in Business Communication: A Student’s Guide to the Internet (Prentice Hall, 1998), and six textbook supplements.
ABC 2011 Presidential Address (pdf)
Keynote Speech
Dr. Annetta L. Cheek, Center for Plain Language
U.S. Plain Writing Act: Impacts on Writers (PowerPoint)
Plenary Speeches
Dr. Linda Beamer, Outstanding Researcher Address
Linda Beamer is an Emerita Professor of California State University, Los Angeles Her BA is from the College of Wooster in Ohio (including one year in Scotland at Edinburgh University), with academic honors, and her MA and PhD are from the University of Toronto. She received the honors students’ Professor of the Year award, the Outstanding Professor award from her campus, and a Distinguished Woman award with Congressional citation. She has taught and consulted in the United States, Canada, the Middle East, China, Argentina, Mexico, Hong Kong, Japan, and New Zealand—where she and her husband have lived since 2005. She had a 6-year Visiting Professor appointment in New Zealand and a three-year Visiting Professor appointment at Shanghai University until 2009. She taught at Chuo University in Tokyo in 2004 and 2010, and most recently has been employed by Massey University, New Zealand, as a research consultant and coach to encourage publication by academic staff. She supervised successful MA theses in intercultural communication from 2005-2008, and has examined master’s theses and Ph.D. dissertations from around the world.
In 2010, she was named the recipient of the annual Outstanding Researcher award from ABC, which previously awarded her Fellow (2005) following her term as President, and Distinguished Member (2000). She was also voted a Fellow of the International Academy of Intercultural Research at its inception in 1997.
Plenary Address (pdf)
Dr. David Victor, Outstanding Teacher Address
Plenary Address
Proceedings of the 76th Annual International Convention
2011 Pre Convention Workshop
2011 Post Convention Workshop