2013 Annual Convention

23 October -  26 October 2013
New Orleans, LA

Program Co-Chairs: Jennifer Veltsos and Sandra French

Convention Program

78th Annual Convention Program (pdf)

Award Winners

List of Award Winners

Presidential Address

Nancy SchulleryDr. Nancy Schullery

Nancy Schullery is a Professor in the Business Information Systems Department and former director of undergraduate programs for the Haworth College of Business, Western Michigan University from 2007-2011. Her research interests include collaboration in groups, personality traits and preferences, conflict resolution, and the scholarship of teaching and learning. Her research draws on both quantitative and qualitative methodologies to study pedagogical and practitioner issues.

Presidential Address (pdf)

Keynote Speech


Plenary Speeches

 Outstanding Teacher Address


Dr. Kim Sydow Campbel, Outstanding Researcher Address

Outstanding Researcher Plenary Address


Proceedings of the 78th Annual International Convention