Contact Us / Website FAQs

Contact Us

Dr. Kathryn Rybka
Executive Director

Samantha Noeth Lewis
Office and Communication Manager

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General | Top

Q: What is my username/password?

A: Your login credentials are the same username and password that you use to log in to the main site. If you have forgotten your login credentials or need assistance with your login information, contact the ABC Office and Communication Manager at or submit a Tech Support Ticket.  

Q: How do I update my profile?

A: After you log in, click on your profile picture and select "Profile" from the drop-down list. Select the pencil icon next to sections you wish to edit. You can add "Education," "Job History," and more. 

Q: How do I control what information is visible in my profile?

A: Navigate to your profile, and then select the "My Account" tab and choose "Privacy Settings" from the drop-down menu. This will let you control what information is visible to whom. After you’ve made changes, click the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the page.

Q: How do I find my membership receipt?

A: Navigate to your profile, and then select the "My Account" tab and choose "Membership" from the drop-down menu. Click on View history.

Contacts / Connections | Top

Q: How do I find other members?

A: Click the "Directory” link in the main navigation bar and search. 

Q: How do I add contacts to my contact list?

A: You can search the Directory, and then select “Add as contact” to the right of each the name. Or you can view someone's profile and select "Add as contact" under their photo. 

Q: Why should I add contacts to my contact list?

A: Creating this virtual address book makes it easy to send your contacts messages through the community site to stay in touch, ask questions, or build a network. When you view another member’s profile, you’ll be able to see any contacts you have in common. You can also choose to let your contacts view certain demographics in your profile that others can't.

Communities / Discussions | Top

Q: What are communities, and can I post to the discussion?

A: Communities allow you to participate in discussions and share resources with other members. Any member of a community can post to the discussion, which will appear on community members' logged-in homepage and be sent by email to those who have subscribed to receive email. Committee Chairs and SIG Leaders can also post announcements and events for their groups. 

Q: What communities do I already belong to?

A: Go to “Communities” in the main navigation bar. Select “My Communities” to view the communities you currently belong to.

Q: How do I join/subscribe to a community and the discussion group?

A:  You are automatically enrolled in a regional community. Other communities are by invitation. Explore Committees and SIGs and reach out to the chair or leader to be added. 

Q: How can I control the frequency and format of emails I receive?

A: Navigate to your profile and click on the "My Account" tab. Choose "Community Notifications" from the drop-down menu.  On that page, you can view and control your subscription options.  

For each discussion, you have the following delivery options:
  • Real time: Sends an email every time a new message is posted.
  • Daily digest: Sends one email to you each day, consolidating all of the posts from the previous day.
  • No Email: Allows you to be part of the group without having emails sent to you. You can still post and read others’ messages by logging into the community site.
  • Consolidated Digest: Allows you to combine multiple communities into one notification email. 

Q: How do I find posts I created in the past or saved as draft?

A: Go to your profile photo and select "Profile." Click on "My Contributions," "My List of Contributions."

Q: How do I leave a community or unsubscribe from a discussion?

A:  Go to your profile and click on the "My Account" tab. Choose "Community Notifications" from the drop-down menu. You'll see a list of available communities and those to which you’ve subscribed. Select "Leave Community” under the Actions column for the discussions you wish to leave. If you leave a committee or SIG, please let the chair or leader know, so we can remove you from the group listing page.

Q: How do I respond to others’ posts?

A: To respond to a discussion post, navigate to the discussion post and click “Reply" to send your message to the entire community. To send a message to the only author of the post, please select “Reply Privately” (located in the "Reply" drop-down). 

Q: I’m having trouble viewing the HTML email messages. How do I fix this?

A: If images are not appearing, your email client may be set to suppress images. This should be something you can change in your security or viewing options. If you would rather receive text-based email, go to your profile page and click on the "My Account" tab. Choose "Community Notifications" from the drop-down menu. Select the “Plain Text” format option for each of the discussions you are subscribed to.

Libraries | Top

Q: How do the libraries get populated?

A: When you include an attachment in a discussion post, the system automatically places it in the affiliated library. You can also upload documents directly to a library by selecting "Create Library Entry" on any community's library page. Library resources don't have to be associated with a discussion thread.

Q: How do I upload a file?

A: Within a community page, select the Library tab, and then "Create New Entry." Complete the information and be mindful of copyrighted content. If you upload a document and do not select an image, the system will post a screenshot of part of your document.  

Q: What kind of files can I upload?

A: The system supports dozens of file types including standard files (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), webinars, images, and YouTube videos.

Q: What are the tags for?

A: Tags are great way to organize and categorize content on your site. Tags can be applied to blogs, library entries, events, and glossary terms. Tagged items are prioritized in the search results.

FAQs for RVPs, Committee Chairs, and SIG Coordinators

Posting to Your Community Page

Discussions on your Community Page are open (unmoderated), so any member of that group may post and reply to the discussion. Discussion posts are emailed to current group members unless they opt out. Community members who subscribe to receive Real Time notifications can reply to posts by email. (See email options.)

Unlike discussions, announcements and events are not emailed to group members. In addition, only the community leader (RVP, Committee Chair, or SIG Coordinator), who is assigned a Community Admin role, can post announcements and events. Events, which publicize programs for your group, appear on the website events page in addition to your community page, but only your group members will see it. 

All three posts appear on a group member's homepage after logging in.

If you would like to give additional community members admin-level access to your page, please submit a Tech Support Ticket.

Submitting Reports

RVPs and Committee Chairs complete two reports: a status report by April 1 to the Executive Committee and an annual report by September 15 to the Board of Directors. Download the RVP report template or the Committee report template. SIG reports are due after the annual conference.

Please submit reports to the Office and Communication Manager at You also may post your report to your Community Page for your group members.

Updating Your Group Members

For committees and SIGs, chairs/coordinators can request changes to your group members by logging into the ABC website and completing the Committee/SIG Update Request form. Please let us know additions, removals, and leadership role changes.

Regions are based on location and managed centrally by the Office and Communication Manager.

Maintaining Pages and Award Forms

Help us keep your group's webpage(s) and award information up to date by submitting a Tech Support Ticket or by contacting the Office and Communication Manager at when dates or details change.

If your group manages an award, application forms and data are stored in a separate system (Wufoo, a company of SurveyMonkey). Forms include notifications, so the person(s) you designate receives submissions by email. Let us know if you need to create or change a form.

Posting Regional Conferences and Events

Regional conferences are posted as events on the website and are public (not restricted to regional groups or members). Please send the following information to the Office and Communication Manager at to publicize your event:

  • Conference Title
  • Start and End
  • Description
  • Image to Feature
  • Venue Name and Address
  • Conference Chair(s) and Contact Information
  • Ex Ordo Link

In addition to the status and annual reports, RVPs submit a financial report 30 days after a regional conference.

Non-conference regional events (for example, the Southeast Teaching Circle) may be posted to the regional community page as a discussion, announcement, and/or event. All appear on a regional member's homepage after logging in, but only discussion posts are emailed. You also may ask the Office and Communication Manager to email all ABC members to promote your event.