Outstanding Dissertation Award Winners


Bianca Dijkstra, University of Groningen
"Multilingual Communication Strategies in the Workplace: An Ethnographic Study of Practices and Ideologies in Logistics"


Not awarded


Rebecca Van Herck, Ghent University
"Dear Customer, you’ve got mail: A closer look at discourse moves, discursive legitimation, and the effects of interpersonal strategies in email responses to customer complaints."


Doreen Hanke, McNeese State University
“Can employees motivate themselves? The link between peer motivating language and employee outcomes”


Lorraine Yao, City University of Hong Kong
"Intercultural Communicative Competence in China-Based Corporations: An Analysis of Chinese Professionals' Perceived Communicative Needs, Challenges, and Strategies"


Matthew Baker, Brigham Young University
"Contextual Information, Answerability, and the Logical Construction of Social How-to Questions"


Kathryn Meier, University of Delaware
"Deconstructing DuPont Discourse: How Storytelling Shaped the Identity and Reputation of an American Enterprise"

Karin Goettsch, University of Minnesota
"Understanding Intercultural Communication on Global Virtual Teams: Exploring Challenges of Language, Culture, Technology, and Collaboration"

Minna Logemann, Aalto University
"Strategic Change Under Construction:  Role of Strategy Narratives"

Ewa Kusmierczyk, Victoria University of Wellington
"'The Only Problem is Getting the Job' - Multimodal Analysis of Job Interviews in New Zealand"

Jacob Rawlins, University of Louisville (degree-Iowa State University)
"Building Consensus: Workplace Myth-Building as a Unifying Rhetorical Strategy"

Mathew Sharp, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University (degree - Virginia Tech)
"Organizational Identity-Power in Practice: The Rhetorics of University Identity"

Colin Clark, The University of New South Wales (degree - Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
“Communication Competence in Call Centre Agents: A Multi-Method Study of Solidarity Building and Conversation Control on Agent Performance”          

Michael J. Meredith, University of North Carolina (degree - Bowling Green State University, Ohio)
“An Examination of Individual Differences in Communication-Related Social Cognitive Structures in Association with Selling Effectiveness"

Christopher Toth, Iowa State University
"Child's Play: Investigating the Genre of Toy Safety Recall Notices"

Elizabeth de Groot, Radboud University Nijmegen
"English Annual Report in Europe: A Study on the Identification and Reception for Genre Characteristics in Multimodal Annual Reports Originating in the Netherlands and in the United Kingdom"

Linda Burak Gretton, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
"The Rhetorical Helix of the Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industries: Strategies of Transformation through Definition, Description, and Ingratiation"

Rebecca Pope Ruark, Iowa State University
"Challenging the Necessity of Organizational Community for Rhetorical Genre Use: Community and Genre in the Work of Integrated Marketing Communication Agency Writers"